United with Israel

WATCH: Israel Will Punish Nations that Harbor Terrorists, Vows IDF Chief

Aviv Kochavi

IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)

The IDF’s chief of staff recently put Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza on notice: Israeli forces are coming for the terrorists within your borders!

IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi recently addressed the threats Israel faces from all directions, warning the Jewish state’s enemies that the Israeli army will not tolerate terror groups on its borders.

While Kochavi made it clear that Israeli forces make every effort to warn civilians before they carry out precision strikes on armed combatants, Israel won’t hesitate to root out threats emanating from Hamas, Hezbollah, and any other terror groups that threaten innocent lives.

With Iran dumping hundreds of millions of dollars into terror proxies in the region each year, Israel’s vigilance remains one of the few stabilizing forces in the Middle East today.

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