United with Israel

WATCH: Israel’s Navy is Locked and Loaded for Hezbollah Terrorists

Israeli navy. (screenshot)

The IDF’s naval troops remain on high alert, ready to confront Hezbollah terrorists on the high seas.

On the heels of a massive exercise simulating an attack from the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, Israel’s navy is in a state of heightened preparedness, ready for whatever threat arises.

“During the exercise, we are working to raise our readiness and enhance our capabilities for combat in the northern sector against Hezbollah, whether it comes from air on the water or underneath it,” a squadron commander recently told i24 News.

The navy’s 914 squadron protects not only civilians living near the coast, it also secures critical infrastructure, such as natural gas fields that sit far from the mainland.

Check out these Israeli warriors in action!

The IDF's High Seas Guardian Against Hezbollah

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