United with Israel

WATCH: Mumbai Orphan Survivor Returns to Site of Attack

(AP /Rajanish Kakade)

Moshe Holtzberg, whose parents were killed in Mumbai. (AP /Rajanish Kakade)

Nearly 10 years after his parents, Chabad emissaries Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg, were murdered by Islamic terrorists in India, 12-year-old Moshe Holtzberg returns to the site for the first time.

Moshe Holtzberg has returned for the first time to the site in Mumbai, India where his parents were murdered. Moshe will join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a ceremony to unveil a memorial plaque honoring his parents at Mumbai’s Chabad Center where they were killed in an Islamic terror attack.

The plaque will serve as a cornerstone for the planned state-of-the-art Living Memorial that is to be erected at the site, which will include the apartment where the Holtzbergs lived as well as the floor where the murders occurred.

Moshe was only two years old when his parents were murdered, along with six others, at the Chabad Center, which was one of the targets of 10 radical Islamists who infiltrated Mumbai and slaughtered 166 people throughout three days of terror. Moshe was saved by his Indian nanny, Sandra Samuel, who protected him during the slaughter and traveled with him to Israel, where she was given citizenship in 2010. She remains in close contact with Moshe, who lives with his maternal grandparents in Afula.

Baby Moshe Visits Mumbai 9 Years After Tragedy, To Visit Nariman House with Netanyahu

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