United with Israel

WATCH: ‘Our Enemy is the Same Enemy,’ Muslim Woman Tells ‘Settlers’

Sara Zoabi

Sara Zoabi surrounded by admirers at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. (Youtube/Screenshot)

Muslim Zionist Sara Zoabi tells Jews in Hebron there can be no peace with those who refuse to recognize the right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel.

Sara Zoabi, an Israeli-Arab Muslim woman who defends the right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and is loyal to the Jewish State, was surrounded by love on a recent visit to the Cave of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron.

A resident of the northern city of Nazareth Illit, Zoabi frequently slams false accusations against Israel, such as claims of apartheid.

A Jewish state in the Holy Land is a right, not an act of charity, she tells Jewish residents of Hebron and American tourists to the holy site.

Watch this video and see the love shown to a woman who tells the truth, regardless of ethnicity!

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