United with Israel

WATCH: Palestinian Billionaire Spouts Wild Conspiracies About Israeli Domination

Munib Al-Masri. (AP Photo/Nasser Ishtayeh)

Munib Al-Masri. (AP Photo/Nasser Ishtayeh)

Palestinian tycoon Munib Al-Masri claims that Israel has a “300-year-old” plan to take over territory from the “Nile to the Euphrates.”

Palestinian businessman Munib Al-Masri told a French news channel last week that Israel harbors a “hellish” plan to dominate the region and expand from “the Nile to the Euphrates.”

Al-Masri, who is known as “the Godfather” and the “Duke of Nablus,” is a well-known Palestinian industrialist and politician and is worth billions of dollars.

Notwithstanding his prominent role in the Arab world, Al-Masri took the opportunity during his France 24 interview to spread the wildest conspiracies about Israel’s ambitions and promote unrealistic demands on behalf of the Palestinians.

Send Passover Packages to Needy Israeli Soldiers - Bring Them Joy!

We are honored to thank the young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives every day to protect the citizens of Israel. Since October 7th, soldiers have been on the battlefield for months - many are hoping to come home for Passover.

Join us in sending Passover food packages (and personal notes) to Israeli soldiers and their families.

Many soldiers spend the Passover holiday with needy families back home. The soldiers greatly appreciate your love and concern. Bring them Passover joy!


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