United with Israel

WATCH: Scientists From Around the World Simulate Life on Mars – in Israel!

Ramon crater astronauts

Astronauts simulating life on Mars in the Ramon Crater. (YouTube/Screenshot)

In Israel’s arid, hot Ramon Crater in the country’s south, scientists from around the world are simulating life on planet Mars.

In Israel’s arid, hot Ramon Crater in the country’s south, scientists from around the world are studying what life is like on planet Mars.

Organized by the Israel Space Agency and the Austrian Space Forum, astronauts from Austria, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain are living in isolation in a virtual station until the end of the month.

Sophie Gruber, the Mission Lead, discusses the goals of the project and why the Ramon Crater is an ideal locaton. She also suggests when it might be possible for humans to walk on the red planet!

Austrian experts visit Israeli desert for Mars practice

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