United with Israel

WATCH: Soldier-Slapper’s Older Videos Paint Picture of Repeat Offender

Nabi Saleh Tamimi

Ahed and Janna Tamimi cursing a senior IDF officer. (Ehud Amiton/Tazpit News Agency)

While the Western media and Palestinian organizations presented Ahed Tamimi as a brave young woman spontaneously confronting the IDF, previous videos of similar incidents show her pattern of trying, and failing, to bait soldiers into violent responses .

Members of the Palestinian Tamimi family have a storied history of staging and filming confrontations with IDF soldiers, which they use in running the family business–anti-Israel propaganda for Western consumption.

In a high-profile incident in December, Ahed Tamimi was caught filming herself and a friend kicking and slapping IDF soldiers in the village of Nabih Saleh. The girls were intent on provoking a violent response from the soldiers, but failed.

Contrary to the narrative promoted after Ahed’s arrest, the December incident was in fact part of an almost decade-long pattern in which the Tamimi family members try to provoke Israeli soldiers into responding in front of the cameras. This footage shows Ahed honing her performance.




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