United with Israel

WATCH: Stop Iran Now!

United with Israel has published a video warning of the danger of a nuclear Iran. It could mean the destruction of the entire world. 

The video “Stop Iran Now” begins with powerful imagery showing the events that led to the Holocaust and the the similarities with current events and the threat posed by Iran.

This video was produced two years ago. Right now, the U.S. is negotiating with Iran to establish a nuclear agreement. Iran has stated on many occasions that their intention is to destroy Israel. If they become nuclear, how long will it take for them to turn their nuclear weapons against Israel and the other Western powers? Months? Weeks? Days? Or hours?

Just recently, Iran presented a plan for destroying Israel. We cannot assume this is mere talk. The rise of the Nazis began as talk, but it led to the devastation of millions. As you’ll see in the video, Iran is also calling for “Death to America!”

We strongly urge you to watch this video and share it with everyone you know. The threat is too great. The consequences are immeasurable.

Sign the Petition to Stop a Nuclear Iran

The US Congress must ensure that sanctions against Iran remain in force until the nuclear threat is completely eliminated.

I strongly oppose easing sanctions before the nuclear threat from Iran has been eliminated. Allowing Iran to enrich uranium without being subject to 'anytime, anywhere' inspections is extremely dangerous and unacceptable. Iran's nuclear program must be stopped.


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