United with Israel

WATCH: Sudanese Politician Says Israel is Now a Friend of the Arab World

Sudanese Politician Mubarak Al-Fadil Al-Mahdi

Sudanese Politician Mubarak Al-Fadil Al-Mahdi (YouTube Screenshot)

In another show of support for the normalization deal between Israel and Sudan, a Sudanese politician boasts about the countries’ shared interests.

Sudanese economist and politician Mubarak Al-Fadil Al-Mahdi, chairman of the country’s Umma Party, said he believes that Israel is now a friend of the Arab world and that they share the same interests, specifically when it comes to the Iranian threat.

Al-Mahdi noted that Iran has infiltrated Arab countries like Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq with its proxies, thus endangering the region.

Times are definitely changing!

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