United with Israel

WATCH: The Race is On to Discover the Next Dead Sea Scroll!

Dead Sea excavations. (screenshot)

Dead Sea excavations. (screenshot)

The Dead Sea Scrolls remain the holy grail of Israeli antiquities and archaeological teams near the famous caves where the scrolls were found are on the hunt for additional scrolls.

The scrolls are the world’s oldest biblical manuscripts and are housed in the Shrine of the Book at Jeruslem’s Israel Museum.

“The assumption is, that there are still artifacts inside the [Dead Sea] caves, waiting to be found. The question is, who will discover them?” wondered Hebrew University Archaeologist Oren Gutfeld in a recent interview with i24NEWS.

Currently, the race is on to find them, with a team from the U.S.’ Liberty University funding an excavation in the mountains skirting the Dead Sea.

Revival of the Dead Sea Scroll Excavation Race

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