United with Israel

WATCH: The Silent Victims of Hamas Terror

Burned southern Israel

Israel's scorched south. (Natali Maman/Black South Project)

Hundreds of animals are burnt alive because of Hamas’ terror. Help us give them a voice. The world must know! Hamas’ “kites of terror” must stop!

Hamas has been sending incendiary kites and balloons over the border on a daily basis, burning thousands of acres of land.

This has not only caused serious damage to the land, but has also harmed innocent wildlife – birds, turtles, deer, and other animals. They are either killed or driven out of their native habitats.

Most recently, Hamas shamelessly abused a falcon by harnessing incendiary materials to it and sening it toward Israel.

The animals are the silent victims nobody talks about. Help us give them a voice. The world must know! Hamas’ “kites of terror” must stop!

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