United with Israel

WATCH: UN Chief Leads Moment of Silence for Terror Victims but Ignores Israel

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon Acknowledges Terror Everywhere But in Israel

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has blamed Israel for Palestinian terror. (screenshot)

The Paris Climate Conference this past week began with a moment of silence for the world’s recent victims of radical Islamic terror. But one group – Israeli victims of Palestinian terror – was glaringly left unmentioned. 

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon purposely omitted any mention of Israeli victims of Palestinian terrorism when he read out the names of cities effected by terrorism.

He named: Paris, Tunis, Beirut and Bamako, Mali.

Guess what he forgot to mention… Jerusalem and Tel Aviv! Does it not count when Palestinians attack Jews in Israel?

It would seem that the world, and especially the UN, applies different standards when Jews are involved.

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