United with Israel

WATCH: Young US Senator – Awesome Defender of Israel!

US Senator Tom Cotton praises Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu while slamming President Obama for the way he reacted to the Israeli leader’s electoral victory.

Senator Tom Cotton begins a speech by stating, “Today I want to comment on the recent election in Israel and the Obama administration’s outrageous reaction to it.”

He goes on to congratulate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his victory, praising both him and his family for all they have done to serve Israel. He explains that the alliance does not rely on any one government or representative body, but is based on shared beliefs. With that in mind, Cotton shifts his focus to the way US President Obama has treated Netanyahu.

Cotton expresses his desire to rally the Senate in supporting Israel. While very critical of the Obama administration, he assures Israelis that the American people are their allies. He personally will act strongly, he adds, if the US allows an anti-Israel proposal to pass at the UN.

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