United with Israel

WATCH: ‘US Will Long for Days of ISIS!’ Says Pro-Iran Palestinian Journalist

BBC contributor

BBC contributor Abdel Bari Atwan. (screenshot)

This delusional Palestinian journalist is cheering hard for the arch-enemy of Israel and the U.S., which also happens to be the world’s top state sponsor of terror.

Despite the fact that Abdel Bari Atwan calls himself a “journalist,” the U.K.-based Palestinian seems to have a very difficult time with basic facts.

Specifically, Atwan appears to be gobbling up Iranian propaganda in the aftermath of a strike by one of its militias in Iraq, which killed an American citizen in a surprise ambush airstrike.

According to Atwan, America has “opened the gates of Hell” by carrying out a recent counterstrike against Iran-backed militias in Iraq. Atwan claims that “America is going to miss the days of ISIS,” in addition to spewing other preposterous positions.

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