United with Israel

WATCH: Victim of Terror Attack Prayed with Arabs on Temple Mount

In this video, Rabbi Yehuda Glick prays side-by-side with Arabs, even reciting verses from the Koran. He is a living example of peaceful co-existence between Israelis and Arabs. Wednesday night, a Jerusalem Arab and member of Islamic Jihad gunned down Rabbi Glick in an attempted assassination. 

Rabbi Glick is in critical care right now, fighting for his life. We are praying hard for his speedy and full recovery. He was shot three times at close range by an Arab resident of Jerusalem who worked at the Begin Heritage Center. The terrorist had served many years in an Israeli jail before his release in 2012.

CLICK ON THE PLAYER BOX BELOW TO WATCH THE VIDEO (even if the video box appears all black, click it…)

In this video, you can clearly see the Rabbi at peace with the Arabs on the Temple Mount, praying together with them. The vision and hope expressed in the Bible describes a future where the Third Temple serves as a spiritual beacon for all people.

What can we do to bring about a better understanding of Israel, which will contribute to the fulfillment of the Biblical promises of peace?

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