United with Israel

WATCH: ‘Not a Single Grain of Sand for Israel!’ Vows Palestinian Official

Murad Shtewi. (screenshot)

Two Fatah officials recently repeated the Palestinian Authority’s position that it is entitled to all of the territory that belongs to the State of Israel, in addition to areas of Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip.

By Palestinian Media Watch

The media spokesperson and “popular resistance coordinator” of Fatah’s Qalqilya branch, Murad Shtewi, stressed that Palestinians view the entire area from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea as “Palestine,” and that they won’t give up an inch of it. He also called on Palestinians to carry out “a popular revolution” against Israel.

According to Shtewi, Jews and Israelis are nothing but temporary “invaders.” This position of course leaves no room for a two-state solution which the PA and Fatah claim – to foreign audiences – that they support.

Meanwhile, the head of Fatah’s Jenin branch implied that Palestinians will use violence to make this happen, stating that “we are at the beginning of an ongoing confrontation, and are not making do with a rally or procession.”

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