United with Israel

WATCH: What Do ‘Moderate’ Muslims Think About Blowing Up Israeli School Buses?

Hussein Aboubakr

Hussein Aboubakr (YouTube/Screenshot)

Is merely choosing not to actually carry out a terror attack oneself enough to qualify as a ‘moderate’ Muslim?

Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr grew up attending Muslim schools in Egypt.

Looking back at his Muslim education, Aboubakr believes that Westerners simply do not understand the values that Islam actually promotes.

When politicians reassure their citizenry, after terror attacks, that most Muslims are “moderate,” Aboubakr says that it all depends on what the definition of “moderate” is.

Watch as Aboubakr describes what most (though not all) so called ‘moderate Muslims’ think about imposing Sharia Law and supporting terror attacks on Israeli civilians.

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