United with Israel

Would ‘President Kanye’ Be Pro-Israel?

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Nir Barkat

Kim Kardashian, left, Kanye West, center, and former Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, right, in Israel in 2015. (Sapir Peles/Jerusalem Municipality spokesman's office and Kikar HaShabbat website via AP)

Popular entertainer Kanye West announced his candidacy and was immediately endorsed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who commented, “You have my full support!”

By Ezra Stone, United with Israel Staff

While popular entertainer Kanye West’s chances remain slim of emerging victorious in the American 2020 presidential race, he announced on Sunday that he is running for the highest office in the United States, challenging erstwhile friend President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

West has floated the idea of running for president in the past and tweeted on Sunday that he is taking the plunge.

“We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future,” he tweeted. “I am running for president of the United States!”

West immediately garnered his first endorsement from Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, who commented, “You have my full support!”

Trump is widely seen as the most pro-Israel president in U.S. history.

For his part, West has a history of visiting the Holy Land with his wife Kim Kardashian.

In 2015, Kanye and Kim arrived in Jerusalem for the baptism of their daughter North West. During that visit, West teased a free show at the Tower of David in Jerusalem’s Old City, which never materialized.

Then-mayor of Jerusalem Nir Birkat hosted the 21-time Grammy winner and his wife for dinner instead.

West returned again in 2015 for a sold-out show in Tel Aviv.

West also counts among his close friends Israeli-born music industry mogul Lyor Cohen, who came under fire from anti-Trump quarters when he posed for a picture with West wearing a “Make America Great” hat.

In April 2018, West tweeted that he “loves” Trump and described the president as his “brother,” after which he made a high profile visit to the Oval Office.

Notwithstanding his family visits to the Holy Land, West’s positions on Israel remain unclear.

West came under fire in the past for meeting with notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.

The Chicago native was also taken to task for comments about Jewish “connections” and power during a radio interview.



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