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United with Israel December 15, 2014
23 Kislev 5775
Living Torah: What Makes Chanukah Unique?

You might say that the Syrian-Greeks desired not genocide, but death by assimilation for the Jewish people. Jewish practice was officially punishable by death.

Jerusalem Arabs Arrested for Social Media Incitement

Israeli forces have been cracking down on terrorism, and this time they busted eight Arabs for inciting terror and planning murder.

An anti-Semitic image spread by Arabs on Facebook. (Photo: PMW)
PM Netanyahu speaks during the weekly cabinet meeting, on Sunday, December 14, 2014. (Photo: Emil Salman/POOL) Netanyahu Flies to Rome to Ward Off Palestinian State Bid
Netanyahu flew to Rome in a last-ditch attempt to secure a US veto for the Palestinian proposal at the UN. Will the Obama Administration support Israel?
welcome_to_palestine Palestinos buscan una Resolución de las Naciones Unidas con fecha límite para poner fin a “La ocupación israelí”
En el pasado, los Estados Unidos ha utilizado constantemente su poder de veto de la ONU para bloquear movimientos que ve como anti-Israel, pero funcionarios estadounidenses dijeron que hicieron una distinción entre una medida unilateral, y un esfuerzo para elaborar una resolución multilateral en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU , que tendría el respaldo de muchas naciones.


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