United with Israel \'Honest\' Palestinian Explains the Terror; Should a Terrorist Get Treated before a Victim?
December 18, 2015 - 6 Tevet 5776
Hamas Planning to Resume Suicide Bombing Attacks A Hamas terrorist. (IDF)
Who Takes Priority for Medical Treatment – Victim or Terrorist? terror attack
WATCH: IDF Soldiers Train to Defend Against Knife Attacks IDF Krav Maga Palestinian Stabbing Terror Attacks
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon ACT NOW! Protest to UN Chief for Saying Israel ‘Breeds’ Palestinian Terror
A Palestinian is interviewed about the current wave of Palestinian terror and what it will take to bring peace WATCH: Up Close and Personal – An ‘Honest’ Palestinian Explains the Terror
Synagogue in Bonneuil-sur-Marne, Paris 14 Jews Poisoned at Paris Synagogue
Naor Shalev bar mitzvah From Terror to Triumph: 13-Year-Old Terror Victim Celebrates Bar Mitzvah
Palestinian terrorism A Chronology of Palestinian Terrorist Attacks Against Israelis
Scene of a stabbing attack attempt in Hebron. (Gershon Elinson/Flash90) WATCH: Palestinians Want to Take Over ALL of Israel
Israel footbal American Football Prepares Israeli Teens for Military Combat
Bibleland Charms
adam sandler Adam Sandler Blasts Roger Waters for his Anti-Israel, Pro-BDS Activism
Israel Unites the World in Peace Through Music WATCH: Israeli Initiative at the UN – United Pianos!
Aliyah Aliyah: A Torah Commandment and a Privilege
Vayigash Living Torah: You ARE Your Brother’s Keeper!


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