United with Israel

ACT NOW! Demand ‘The View’ Dump Whoopi Over Holocaust Falsehoods

Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

In a time of skyrocketing antisemitism, ABC should not give Whoopi Goldberg a platform to spread messages that are harmful to the Jewish people.

“Remember who they were killing first. They were not killing racial; they were killing physical,” Whoopi Goldberg recently told the UK’s Sunday Times in an interview that was published Saturday.

According to “The View” co-host, Adolf Hitler’s genocidal plan to exterminate the Jewish people “wasn’t originally” based on race.

The interviewer in the Times  piece corrected Goldberg, explaining, “Nazis saw Jews as a race.”

Goldberg replied, “Yes, but that’s the killer, isn’t it? The oppressor is telling you what you are. Why are you believing them? They’re Nazis. Why believe what they’re saying? It doesn’t change the fact that you could not tell a Jew on a street. You could find me. You couldn’t find them.”

In reality, the Nazis and their collaborators viciously attacked visibly Jewish individuals and establishments during the Germans’ rein of terror. To this day, visibly Jewish individuals face violent attacks on a near daily basis in the U.S., with Jews in New York facing a hate crime every 36 hours.

Back in January 2022, Goldberg, who has no Jewish ancestry despite her deliberate use of a Jewish-sounding stage name, also claimed “the Holocaust isn’t about race.” This led ABC News President Kimberly Godwin to suspend her for two weeks.

“The signature characteristic of German Nazism was that it set out to exterminate Jews as a race, identifying them as targets for annihilation on the basis of even a tenuous ancestral connection with Judaism,” wrote Melanie Phillips on JNS.org at the time.

After her most recent statements about the Holocaust, Goldberg offered a so-called “apology” that sounded more like a denial.

Goldberg issued a statement to the Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday, stating, “It was never my intention to appear as if I was doubling down on hurtful comments.” Goldberg added that her views changed after “talking with and hearing people like rabbis and old and new friends weighing in,” leading her to “believe that the Holocaust was about race.”

Words have consequences, Whoopi, regardless of your intentions.

It’s time for ABC to stop providing a platform to someone who has repeatedly spread false information that his harmful to the Jewish people.

Tell ABC to dump Whoopi Goldberg from ‘The View’!


Send your own respectful message to ABC, or use this template:

To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to condemn Whoopi Goldberg for spreading false narratives about the Holocaust on multiple occasions. In a time of skyrocketing antisemitism, ABC should not give Whoopi Goldberg a platform to spread messages that are harmful to the Jewish people. Please remove her from “The View” immediately.

1. Submit a complaint directly to ABC by clicking here.

2. Send ABC News President Kimberly Godwin a message on Instagram (the only social media platform on which the public can contact her) clicking here.

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