A Palestinian minor active in Hamas’ military wing, who crossed illegally into Israel at the beginning of April and was caught, has provided Israel with a treasure trove of information on Hamas’ terror-tunnel network, the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) cleared for publication Tuesday.
The terrorist, 17, a resident of Jebalya in Gaza and who joined Hamas before Operation Protective Edge, told his investigators that after being recruited, he underwent military training and even carried out diverse military operations against the IDF, including ambushes, surveillance, patrols and the digging of terror tunnels toward Israel.
Most of his training was for offensive operations including infiltration, close-quarters combat and the detonation of explosive charges, with the guiding concept that the next attack on Israel would occur on Israeli soil.
The terrorists provided extensive information during his investigation on Hamas’s activity in digging tunnels for infiltrating into Israel. Information was also acquired on the routes of emergency tunnels for use by Hamas’ elite Nukhbah units, as well as on the location of numerous tunnel shafts in the Gaza Strip.
He also provided details on Hamas’ excavators’ work methods, tools and procedures. For example, diggers use several methods to disguise their activity, such as a prohibition on exiting tunnels in work clothes. Excavators are required to shower and change clothes inside the tunnels.
The minor took part in planting explosive charges in and around the tunnels for use in the event of IDF forces entering the tunnels, and even stored additional charges in his home.
It became clear during the questioning that Hamas is continuing to dig tunnels even though it knows of Israeli activity to locate them.
The minor is one of a several militants currently being investigated by the Shin Bet, who are providing updated internal information about Hamas’s intensive tunnel digging activities, the Shin Bet said in a statement.
Just last week the Shin Bet announced Israeli security forces had captured a veteran Hamas terrorist who has been providing valuable information on Hamas’ terror tunnel network.
The minor was indicted on Tuesday at the Be’er Sheva District Court on six counts of offensives against Israel’s security and acts of terrorism.
By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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