United with Israel

Israeli Girl Severely Burned by Arab Firebomb

Arab terrorists threw a firebomb in Samaria Thursday evening. Ayala Shapira, 11, is in critical condition. Two policemen were stabbed in Jerusalem the next day.

Burned car after firebomb attack. (Photo: David Diamant, Tazpit News Agency)

Eleven-year old Ayala Shapira – the victim of a firebomb attack in Samaria – is fighting for her life. She and her father were traveling on a road between the towns of Ma’ale Shomron and El Matan in the early evening when terrorists hurled a Molotov cocktail at the car, setting it afire.

Ayala, who remains unconscious and on a respirator, suffered third-degree burns covering more than half of her body. Doctors at Tel Hashomer hospital near Tel Aviv, where she is being treated, say they are doing everything they can to save her life.

Her father’s injuries are less severe and not life-threatening. Both had managed to escape the burning car and make it to the nearby Jewish town of El Matan before the girl collapsed.

Video footage captured at the scene shows the vehicle completely engulfed in flames. The IDF is searching for the perpetrators.

They were traveling on Road 55, passing through an area with many Arab villages. In recent months there were several attacks along the route.

Ayala’s mother had been attacked on the same road last month but escaped unharmed.

Little Girls ‘Should Not Be a Target’

Avi Na’im, head of the Beit Aryeh municipality, was quoted by Arutz Sheva as saying that “the response to the throwing of a firebomb must be shooting the terrorists with intent to kill. An 11-year-old girl on her way home with her father should not be a target.”

“This reality in which residents who travel in the center of the country can die from a Molotov cocktail is intolerable,” declared Yossi Dagan, acting head of the Samaria Regional Council, Ynet reports.

Calls to Strengthen Israeli Control

Member of Knesset (Parliament) Orit Struk stated: “This shocking attack must be a line in the sand in our relations with wicked Arab terror,” according to Arutz Sheva. “A government that truly wants to prevent attacks on little girls traveling in cars must begin taking clear steps against terrorists and show them that their actions will not pay off. It’s not just about punishment. We must take an important Zionist step such as strengthening Israeli control of the land wherever we can.”

Stabbing in Jerusalem’s Old City

The next morning, Arab terrorists stabbed two border policemen in Jerusalem’s Old City following morning prayers at the Al-Aqsa mosque. They were lightly injured. Following treatment by Magen David Adom (Israel’s Red Cross equivalent) rescuers, they were evacuated to the local Shaare Zedek hospital. Police are searching for the assailant.

Author, Penina Taylor, United with Israel

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PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

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We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. The brutal murder of Israelis committed by Palestinian terrorists throughout Israel is the latest result of ongoing PA incitement against Israeli citizens. Funding the PA means funding terror.


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