United with Israel

Former Druze Knesset Member Sent to Prison for Meeting with Terrorist Leaders

MK Said Nafa

Former MK Said Nafa. (Abir Sultan/Flash90)

A former Israeli parliamentarian from the Druze community met illegally in Syria with heads of terror organizations and will now pay the price by serving time in prison.

After exhausting all legal venues, Said Nafa, a former Member of Knesset (MK), will serve a 12-month prison term after being convicted of visiting an enemy state and meeting with a foreign agent.

The High Court of Justice on Monday turned down an appeal by the former MK, a Druze member of Balad, an Arab political party, thus finalizing the sentencing. The High Court stated that his parliamentary immunity was not relevant in this case.

Justice Elyakim Rubinstein said that Nafa exploited his status as an MK for illicit activities. “A Member of Knesset is not a travel agent for illegal traveling and for criminal tourism to enemy states, and is likewise not permitted to utilize his tenure to set up meetings with heads of terror organizations,” he stated.

Judge Elyakim Rubinstein

Judge Elyakim Rubinstein. (Yossi Zamir/Flash90)

The former MK was convicted in April 2014 of visiting an enemy state and meeting with a foreign agent.

The Nazareth District Court found Nafa guilty of meeting with Talal Naji, deputy director-general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP) terror organization in Syria in 2007, but acquitted him of the charge that he had also met with Hamas political leader Khaled Maashal.

Nafa was sentenced to 12 months in prison as well as another six months on probation.

At the time, Nafa’s legal defense team said they were “not surprised by the verdict.”

In December 2011, Nafa and 16 Druze sheikhs were convicted of visiting Syria and Lebanon between 2007 and 2010. The northern district attorney charged them with visiting enemy states, and Nafa was also charged with meeting a foreign agent.

According to the conviction, Nafa traveled to Syria, defined by Israel as an enemy state, despite the fact that he was clearly told by the minister of the interior that such activity was prohibited.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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