United with Israel

Her Life was Great Until the Man She Thought She Loved Did the Unthinkable


She was a single mother looking for a new lease on love. What she found traumatized her for life. Now one organization has stepped up, placing her on the long road to recovery.

Republished with permission from Breaking Israel News

Yanina was a normal working single mom with two beautiful healthy children. They lived in an apartment in Kiryat Yam near Haifa. And, although she was divorced, she still managed to juggle her work and kid’s schedule like any other busy mom does.

Needless to say, she never experienced any financial hardship whatsoever. Even her divorce was an amicable break-up. She worked in an attorney’s office as an office manager where she was absolutely adored by the staff.

While adjusting to life after divorce, things were looking up. Yanina started dating again trying to find new love. But then something terrible happened and her life took a dark turn for the worse becoming anything but normal.

Looking for a potential mate, Yanina registered to an online dating site. That’s where she met Vlad, a well mannered, handsome man with a steady job. After the second date, she invited him into her home. That was a decision she will regret for the rest of her life.

Once inside, Vlad locked her and her two kids in their home and took all of their phones to ensure that there would be no contact with the outside world. Vlad literally held Yanina and her family hostage for four days straight. During this time, he raped her repeatedly. He also beat her children who he suspected of planning an escape, telling them that if they tried again, he’d kill their mother.

That was when Yanina had to come to terms with the fact that the employee of the year at a successful law firm suddenly became the sex slave of a monster – all in the blink of an eye. The screams of her suffering were matched only by those of her children being tortured by this psychopath. After four days that felt like an eternity, Vlad released Yonina and her family from the claws of his cruel captivity.

It’s important to understand that this is not a movie that ends with some sort of resolution. This is a nightmare that Yanina must deal with every time she wakes up. That’s because although the horrible ordeal is over, the trauma she suffers is alive and kicking. It lives inside her tainted soul.

Yanina is afraid to leave her home. Feeling guilty for not protecting her kids made this once happy smiling mother suicidal.

And despite the fact that she’s physically capable, the trauma she suffers is so emotionally crippling that she can’t even bring herself to do some of the most mundane tasks like shopping for food for her two children, not to mention the psychiatric treatment needed to help her cope with her life after walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

The children also suffered from the terrifying experience. Like Yonina, they also require psychiatric treatment. Their innocence – completely robbed from them.

In short – Yanina needs help. She needs therapy and medication to deal with her new fears. More importantly, she needs to eat. There’s just one problem – she’s too scared to leave the house to buy food. This means no food for her or for her kids.

But despite her unimaginable nightmare, there is a silver lining, That’s because you can help Yanina on her road to recovery. Yes you, from 7,000 miles away, can get her on her feet again and return her to a life that somewhat resembles normalcy.

And there is one organization that brings that much-needed food to Yanina’s doorstep. That angelic organization is called ‘Colel Chabad’.

Colel Chabad provides people like Yanina with 240 shekels ($70) worth of food while delivering three crates of fruits and vegetables and other basic food staples like flour, oil, and pasta every month. And because Yanina is too terrified to leave her home, the food is delivered to her door with love and compassion. The cost of everything together is 500 shekel($140) a month. Yanina needs this food…desperately.

But for Colel Chabad to deliver the food to Yanina and hundreds of other families in unimaginable situations, they need money.

And this is where you can enter the picture. That’s because you can help by making a donation – whatever it may be to this incredible organization.

Their goal is to raise 500 shekel a($140) by Rosh Hashannah. And you can be the angel that dives in and rescues her from starvation. Remember, no one’s asking you to donate the full amount (although if you can, it would be amazing). Give what you can and hopefully, the God of Israel will provide the rest.

It’s important to understand that Yanina is just one of many needy families being helped by Colel Chabad. Aside from food, the organization provides outdoor activities and fun outings for the kids like inflatable elements and entertainment. More importantly, it takes their minds off of their unthinkable reality that they must deal with back home.

Now is your chance to show people like Yanina that the nations have changed since times past. A time to show them that they are now on the same side as the Jewish people. This is precisely what Isaiah was referring to when he said:

“It is to share your bread with the hungry, And to take the wretched poor into your home; When you see the naked, to clothe him, And not to ignore your own kin.” (Isaiah 58:7)

And if you’re worried about parting ways with your hard-earned cash, don’t be. The money you donate to these types of charities will be refunded in this world as King Solomon wrote in Proverbs:

“He who is generous to the poor makes a loan to Hashem; He will repay him his due (Proverbs 19:17)”

Help the Jewish people in Israel who need it most. Enter the year 5780 with spiritual confidence. Give whatever you can to this holy organization today.

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