United with Israel

IDF Soldier Ziv Mizrahi is 21st Victim of Palestinian Terrorism

Ziv Mizrahi

Terror victim IDF Cpl. Ziv Mizrahi. (Courtesy)

443 terror attack

Site of the terror attack on Route 443. (Hillel Maeir/TPS)

IDF soldier Ziv Mizrahi became the 21st victim of the wave of Palestinian terror. His uncle was murdered in a 2003 Palestinian terror attack as well. 

IDF Cpl. Ziv Mizrahi, 18, was murdered in a stabbing attack at a gas station on Route 443 on Monday, becoming the 21st victim of the recent wave of Palestinian terror attacks.

Mizrahi, a driver in the Field Intelligence Corps, arrived at the gas station alongside a female IDF officer as part of a mission to activate an observatory balloon covering an area that included Givat Ze’ev, his hometown.

He was involved in a minor traffic accident near the gas station and pulled over to exchange information with the other driver and to call his commander to report the crash.

The Palestinian terrorist, Ahmed Jamal Ahmed Tah, approached and stabbed Mizrahi to death and also lightly wounded the female officer.

Mizrahi’s mother arrived on the scene shortly after and screamed in despair “they’ve taken Ziv from me.”

A Terrorism-Stricken Family

Mizrahi’s family has been forced to contend with loss to Palestinian terrorism in the past.

Ziv, the youngest of three children, was named for his uncle, Alon Mizrahi, who was killed in the suicide attack at the Cafe Hillel in Jerusalem in September 2003, a security guard who died trying to prevent the suicide bomber from entering the premises.

Ziv’s friend Dor related that “Ziv had a great love for cars, and we would joke with him that he wants to be a truck driver because he plans to marry a car.”

Another friend said that he loved his military service. “Most of us enlisted in combat units and I joked with him that he was a pencil pusher, but he said that his job has a very high risk level, close to all the events.”

Ziv was said to be glad to be stationed near home, so he could help his mother.

Ziv’s cousin described him as very modest, quiet and introverted, always ready to help. Other friends described him as very witty, with a disarming smile, always at the center of things.

Mizrahi was posthumously promoted to the rank of Corporal, and will be buried at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem on Tuesday.

He is survived by his parents and two siblings, Lidor and Eden.

By: United with Israel Staff

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