United with Israel

IDF Spokesman to Hamas: What Are You Hiding?

IDF spokesman in Arabic Major Avichai Adrei

IDF spokesman in Arabic Major Avichai Adrei (Screenshot)

‘What is Hamas trying to hide? Again and again, they promote lies and half-truths,’ Adrei charged.

By: United with Israel Staff

Palestinian sources in Gaza close to Hamas on Sunday reported that two men in their twenties were killed by an Israeli Air Force (IAF) strike.

A Palestinian medical source was quoted as saying that “the bodies of two citizens were torn apart during an aerial attack on Jabalia in northern Gaza and were evacuated aboard ambulances” to a nearby hospital.

A spokesman for Hamas’ health ministry identified the two as Ayman Annajjar and Muhanad Hammouda.

The IDF usually confirms its strikes against terrorists in Gaza, but in this case refrained from doing so, stating that it does not address foreign reports.

However, IDF spokesman in Arabic Major Avichai Adrei later challenged the Palestinian narrative and charged Hamas with hiding the true facts behind the explosion that killed that two terrorists.

He tweeted that “many testimonies from the Gaza Strip cast fundamental doubt on the credibility of the Hamas Health Ministry’s announcement of the death of the two terrorist operatives at midnight.”

“What is Hamas trying to hide? Again and again, they promote lies and half-truths,” Adrei charged.

“Instead of telling the truth and telling you what really happened in the cemetery in Jabalia, they prefer to automatically blame Israel,” he added in the post.

“I challenge the Hamas Health Ministry to expose the real reason behind the explosion,” he said.

Adrei statement implied that Israel was not behind the explosion that killed the two and that they were killed instead in a “work accident,” meaning that they were blown up by an explosive charge that went off prematurely.

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