United with Israel

‘Iran is Behind 95 Percent of Threats to Israel,’ Warns Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Hatzor Air Force Base

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Hatzor Air Force Base, August 11, 2020. (GPO/Koby Gideon)

The Israeli prime minister warned Iran’s proxy in Gaza, Hamas, that the IDF would deliver a crushing blow if it allows Palestinians to attack Israel with balloon bombs.

By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Tuesday warned Iran and the terror groups it directs and supports that Israel would not tolerate a continuation of the recent wave of airborne arson attacks against the Jewish state.

In the past week dozens of balloon bombs carrying incendiary devices and explosives have been launched from Gaza, causing fires inside Israel. A rocket fired from Gaza was shot down by Israel’s Iron Dome defense system and on Sunday shots were fired from Gaza at Israelis working inside Israel, prompting an IDF retaliation.

“I would like to make it clear to all of Iran’s proxies, including in Gaza: Balloon terrorism will have a heavy price,” Netanyahu said.

“We will not tolerate this. We will take action and exact a heavy price. They should remember that we have done this in the past, because we will do it now as well,” he said, adding that “it is more important that Hamas and Islamic Jihad see the harsh implications of this [strategy]. It will have harsh results and a very heavy price.”

Netanyahu pointed out that Iran is the main sponsor of the Hamas terror organization, which rules Gaza with an iron fist, and the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon.

Hezbollah mimics Iranian leaders’ calls for the total annihilation of Israel and is being blamed for the massive explosion in Beirut last week that killed over 160 Lebanese and left tens of thousands homeless.

“Ninety-five percent of these threats originate in Iran. Iran threatens us with nuclear weapons, precision missiles and unguided missiles, with proxies in Lebanon and Gaza, and in other places” Netanyahu said.

The prime minister spoke during a tour of the Hatzor Air Force Base, where he was briefed by the IDF and noted that the air force “operates in a 360-degree radius against the threats to the State of Israel.”

“Our ability is very high and needs to be higher still. We do not stop for a moment. At the same time, we are fighting the coronavirus. We are also safeguarding the security of Israel everywhere – near and far,” Netanyahu said.


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