United with Israel

Israeli Ambassador to UN: ‘Condemn Hamas for Exploiting Children’

Gaza border

A Palestinian protester burns tires during clashes with the IDF on the Gaza border. (Abed Rahim Khatib/ Flash90)

“The Council must condemn Hamas for its exploitation of children as human shields, risking their lives, and must call for an end to the provocations that only increase violence and tension,” Danon demanded of the UN.

By: United with Israel Staff

On Friday, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Danny Danon, called on the Security Council (UNSC) to condemn Hamas, countering Kuwait’s call for an investigation of Israel on behalf of the Council following the recent violence on Israel’s border with Gaza.

Some 27 Palestinians, mostly identified as Hamas terrorists, were killed by the IDF during their attempts to breach Israel’s border and carry out terror attacks in the past two weeks.

Kuwait distributed a draft press release on behalf of the Council expressing its sorrow over the loss of “innocent Palestinian lives” and called for an independent and transparent investigation into these events, which requires the support of the permanent members of the UNSC: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the US.

Danon stated that “the Council must condemn Hamas for its exploitation of children as human shields, risking their lives, and must call for an end to the provocations that only increase violence and tension. The riots of this past week have proven to be violent outbursts and not peaceful demonstrations.”

The riots on the past Friday included mostly young males, and fewer families, as was the case last week.

Ahead of planned riots in Gaza, Danon warned the UN that “it is imperative that the Security Council send a clear message to the Palestinian leadership insisting that it put an end to these riots that only serve to sow violence and instability.”

“The Palestinian leadership had insisted these demonstrations are peaceful, but this past Friday, the world witnessed them turn violent as Hamas and its affiliates exploited women and children as human shields and sent armed terrorists to battle,” Danon wrote to members of the Security Council.

“The terror organizations’ social media channels are calling for rioters to prepare Molotov cocktails, collect tires for burning, and instigate sniper fire on IDF soldiers,” he continued.

“It is imperative that the Security Council send a clear message to the Palestinian leadership insisting that it put an end to these riots that only serve to sow violence and instability,” Danon concluded.

Additionally, Danon and Israeli Mission diplomats shared with their colleagues and senior UN officials proof of Hamas’ intentions to further incite Gaza residents to riot, putting innocent people in harm’s way.

They also expressed Israel’s intentions to act decisively against any attempts to threaten the country’s sovereignty.

Hamas Sends Children to the Border ‘Knowing They May be Killed’

The US on Thursday attacked Hamas for sending children to the border, “knowing they may be killed.” It called on Palestinians to engage in solely peaceful protests and stay at least 500 meters from Gaza’s border with Israel.

President Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy, Jason Greenblatt, issued a statement condemning Palestinian “leaders and protestors who call for violence or who send protestors — including children — to the fence, knowing that they may be injured or killed. Instead, we call for a renewed focus by all parties on finding solutions to the dire humanitarian challenges facing Gazans.”

Earlier on Thursday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also condemned the use of human shields, particularly the deployment of children along the border.

“I reiterate my call on all concerned to refrain from any act that could lead to further violence or place civilians in harm’s way, especially children,” said Guterres. “I call upon all parties on the ground to avoid confrontation and exercise maximum restraint.”

The Tower contributed to this report.

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