United with Israel

Israeli Arabs: Let Jews Pray on Temple Mount, Survey Says

A Jew stand on the Temple Mount. (Photo: Lucie March/Flash 90)

The PA has used the Temple Mount as an excuse for inciting violence, claiming the holy site must remain 100% Muslim. A recent survey by Tel Aviv University shows that 46.5% of Israeli Arabs disagree, and would be open to a policy change allowing Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. 

A survey conducted by Tel Aviv University (TAU) reveals a most astonishing fact – close to 50% of Israel’s Arabs support the right of Jews to worship on the Temple Mount.

TAU asked 603 Israelis whether the government should change its policy regarding Jewish worship on the Temple Mount. The question was: “Today, Israel’s government does not allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount in order to prevent friction with the Muslim world. Do you think that the government needs or does not need to change this policy, and should it enable Jewish prayer at the site, even if the change could result in bloodshed?”

A total of 46.5% of Arabs were open to the idea of a change in policy; 17.2% answered that Jews should “definitely” be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount, and 29.3% said they “think” the policy should be revised. A minority of 34% opposed any change.

The survey was conducted at the beginning of November. All participants were 18 years of age and above. The questions were asked in Hebrew, Russian and Arabic in order to avoid any misunderstanding.

This revelation is even more surprising considering the recent Arab violence on the Temple Mount in order to prevent Jews from worshiping there.

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Israel’s sovereignty in Jerusalem, its capital, has come under increased attack in past weeks. We need to stand together and show the world that Jerusalem is not some bargaining chip in border negotiations or a rally point for terrorists. It is a Holy City meant to provide a beacon of light to all nations under the sovereignty of Israel.

Written by United with Israel staff

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