United with Israel

Israeli Experts Give Trauma Workshop in Ethiopia

The workshop includes a series of lectures, simulations and trauma scenario drills

The workshop includes a series of lectures, simulations and trauma scenario drills. (MDA Spokesperson’s Office)

Israeli emergency medicine specialists share their experience with local doctors in a series of lectures, simulations and trauma scenario drills.

By Naama Barak, Israel21c

An Israeli medical delegation traveled to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, last week to share knowledge with local medical teams in the field of trauma treatment.

Delegates presented 26 local doctors and nurses with a series of lectures, simulations and trauma scenario drills, using advanced medical equipment.

The delegation included a Magen David Adom paramedic, a nurse and other emergency medicine specialists from the Galilee, Poriya and Hillel Yaffe medical centers in northern Israel. The group was part of a team organized by the Israel Health Ministry, the Israeli Foreign Ministry, the United Nations World Food Program and the Ethiopian Health Ministry.

“This mission is of vital importance,” said MDA Paramedic Eldar Malka. ““There are a large number of trauma victims in Ethiopia, many of them due to shootings and car accidents.”

Malka said it was “a great privilege to be here, and to give of our knowledge and experience as MDA teams.”

The workshop includes a series of lectures, simulations and trauma scenario drills.

Earlier this year, a top-level Israeli medical and governmental delegation landed in Ethiopia to see how Israeli hospitals could help local hospitals treat civil war victims.

Also in Ethiopia, Israeli eye doctor Dr. Morris Hartstein is at the helm of Operation Ethiopia, which has examined more than 7,000 people and has helped train over a dozen Ethiopian doctors and fellows in Israel.

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