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Israeli Foreign Ministry Asks Google and YouTube to Help Combat Online Incitement

Tzipi Hotovely

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely says the appointment of Judea and Samaria leader Dani Dayan is "an important statement to the world." (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

The Israeli government has launched a campaign to combat Palestinian incitement on the Internet.

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely held a meeting on Monday with Google’s Senior Counsel for Public Policy Juniper Downs and YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki to persuade them to join the effort to combat the incitement, which Israel claims is largely responsible for the current wave of terrorism against Israelis,  Israeli news site nrg reported on Wednesday.

During the meeting, Hotovely pointed to the use of social media by Palestinians calling on one another to explain the phenomenon of Palestinian youth taking to the the streets with knives in their hands and hate in their hearts.

The Google and YouTube executives informed Hotovely of the methods they had in place to monitor incendiary material, and agreed to enhance their cooperation with Israel’s Foreign Ministry to prevent the online distribution of material inciting to violence.

By: JNi.Media

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