United with Israel

Israeli Group Launching Billboard Campaign Against Facebook Terror Incitement Across From Zuckerberg’s Home

Shurat Hadin Facebook


Shurat HaDin’s latest effort to combat the ongoing calls on various anti-Semitic sites to attack Jews and Israelis is meant to convey to the Facebook founder that “if he ignores all the complaints, we will put them in front of his face.”

An Israel-based lawfare organization is launching its latest campaign against anti-Jewish incitement on Facebook, as the group posted an explanatory fundraising video clip on YouTube.

Called “[Mark] Zuckerberg don’t kill us,” this is the most recent effort on the part of Shurat HaDin-The Israel Law Center to combat the ongoing calls on various sites to attack Jews and Israelis. It involves conveying to the Facebook founder that “if he ignores all the complaints, we will put them in front of his face.”

The money being raised will go to producing billboards to be placed in the area of his house in Palo Alto. Already in touch with American advertising agencies, Shurat HaDin says it will need an initial $30,000 to get started.

Shurat HaDin has been in both a literal battle against Facebook – in a US court – and figurative one, conducted in the global arena of ideas against social media outlets that are enabling the very incitement that has purportedly contributed to, if not completely fueled, the current wave of Palestinian terrorism in Israel over the past four months.

This, said Shurat HaDin in a statement, takes the form, among other things, of “pages that illustrate the most effective way to kill Jews, including detailed instructions and encouragement of the murderers.”

According to the statement, one can find tips on Facebook about covering a knife in bug spray before stabbing a Jew, for example, or “directions on the best place on the body to stab for the greatest effect.”

Shurat Hadin says that in spite of the class-action lawsuit it filed against Facebook on behalf of some 20,000 Israeli signatories, and tens of thousands of requests from users to remove the antisemitic content from its pages, the social media giant often continues to offer its standard reply: that, after looking into the complaints, it has found that such pages do not violate “community standards.”

On its Headstart fundraising page, Shurat HaDin wrote (in Hebrew):

The only time that Mark Zuckerberg actually did intervene where hate-filled content was concerned was in a post he wrote in support of Muslims. And in so doing, it was the first time he expressed a political opinion.

And we say: If Mark Zuckerberg opens his eyes – we won’t let him stop there. We are calling on you to help us erect a giant billboard across from Mark Zuckerberg’s house, for him to see the incitement on Facebook. We must not continue to allow Mark Zuckerberg to ignore us. Together we will stop incitement on Facebook.

Shurat HaDin founder and chairwoman Nitsana Darshan-Leitner added: “It is amazing to discover that, after the murder of nearly 30 Israelis since October, motivated by wild incitement on social media, Facebook continues to ignore the incitement to violence against Israelis, while simultaneously showing that it is capable of removing incitement when it decides to do so. We demand that Facebook begin to be proactive in preventing Palestinian incitement to terrorism on its pages, and use its advanced technology to locate and take down calls for the murder of Israelis, and monitor the photos and video clips that encourage acts of terrorism against Jews. We will do everything to protect the citizens of Israel.”

Watch the clip for the campaign here:

By: The Algemeiner

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