United with Israel

Israeli NGO Calls on US to Cut Funding to Agency that Finances Terror

Hamas boy 1

Gaza youth in training at a Hamas terror camp. (paldf.net)

The Israel Law Center has exposed the Palestinian exploitation of a US aid organization and the funneling of US tax dollars to fund terror.

Shurat HaDin – Israel Law Center, an Israeli legal rights nongovernmental organization, is urging US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to terminate government funding to the American Near-East Refugee Aid (ANERA), a US relief agency, after an investigation by the NGO found ANERA was “actively assisting” terrorist organizations.

According to the probe, funds transferred to ANERA, including from American charities, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Christian charity World Vision, are “used to support Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) kindergartens that actively indoctrinate children in hatred and killing of Israeli civilians, as well as other PIJ and Hamas organizations, thus enabling them to finance terrorist activity, which is forbidden by US law.”

ANERA’s annual budget stands at tens of millions of dollars a year. Some $25 million came from the State Department during 2015-16. Most of these funds are given to humanitarian organizations, through which they are funneled to terror groups.

The former head of World Vision recently pleaded not guilty to charges that it funded the Hamas terror organization, which operates out of the Gaza Strip, while a UNDP worker was recently convicted of aiding Hamas.

Shurat HaDin founder Nitsana Darshan-Leitner has called on the State Department to enforce US law, which prohibits the transfer of funds or resources to terrorist organizations through their affiliated charities.

“Under the guise of an organization that works on behalf of refugees and the needy, an American relief agency has become a partner to terror organizations,” Darshan-Leitner stated. “In recognition of the US Administration and the new wind blowing from the White House and the State Department, I hope and believe that federal funding for ANERA will be suspended, as long as it continues to finance terrorism.”

By: JNS.org and United with Israel Staff

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