United with Israel

Israeli Watchdog Documenting UNRWA Violence Banned From YouTube


Palestinians at the entrance to an UNRWA office. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

“The only real proof that UNRWA is violent is film,” Bedein stated. “The films are convincing proof.”

By United With Israel Staff 

YouTube has shut down the channel of the Center for Near East Policy Research due to what it claims are “repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines on Violence or Graphic content.”

“The Center for Near East Policy Research is dedicated to proactive, investigative research and the publication of well-documented data on the core issues of Israeli-Arab relations, in order to provide insight into the complex reality of Israel for decision-makers, journalists, and the general public,” according to its website.

The director is David Bedein, who also established the Israel Resource News Agency.

The center has concentrated much of its efforts on uncovering corruption within the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), producing a number of mini-documentaries relating to the subject.

Bedein says that in a letter sent last week, “the YouTube Team” said that the platform “prohibits violent or gory content posted in a shocking, sensational or disrespectful manner.”

“The only real proof that UNRWA is violent is film,” Bedein told the newspaper. “We have statements by UNRWA children, but these are just statements. The films are convincing proof.”

“We have decided to keep your account suspended,” the YouTube letter continued. “You won’t be able to access or create any other YouTube accounts.”

“The letter, according to Bedein, was in response to an appeal by the organization. The YouTube channel was shut down for the first time about one week prior.”

“There was no warning, nothing like that. It came as a total surprise. It was something we never expected,” Bedein said.

“Fortunately, we have moved our videos over to Vimeo,” he added.

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