United with Israel

Media Equates Israeli Terror Victims with Violent Palestinian Rioters Killed in Clashes

Palestinians riot

Violent Palestinians rioters. (Flash90)

Biased media coverage of recent events in Israel outrageously equated Israeli victims of terror with Palestinian rioters. 

On July 14, three Arab terrorists launched a terror attack from the Temple Mount, killing two Israeli police officers.

The attack prompted Israel to introduce security measures at the site, including metal detectors similar to those that Jews must pass through on their way to the Western Wall.

In response, the Palestinians reacted with violent riots, incited by their political and religious leadership. At least three rioters were killed during the violent events.

A week later, on Friday night, a Palestinian terrorist broke into the home of a family that was enjoying their Shabbat dinner at the Israeli community of Halamish in Samaria. He murdered Yosef Salomon, 70, and two of his children – Elad, 36, and Chaya, 46, as well as seriously wounding his wife Tovah, 68.

The media largely framed the murders as a legitimate Palestinian reaction to alleged “Israeli restrictions” to the Temple Mount, while ignoring Palestinian incitement and downplaying the original Temple Mount terror attack that prompted the installation of the metal detectors.

Source for Most Reports: AP

In the United Kingdom, CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting) reviewed several stories which misleadingly cast the Palestinian killings as a part of a series of “clashes” on Friday over Israel’s installation of metal detectors, equating Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces during violent riots initiated by Palestinian leaders with the intentional Palestinian murder of innocent Jewish civilians.

In the US, the major outlets lumped the terror attack together with Arab riots.

The CBS headline read: “3 Palestinians, 3 Israelis killed in violence over Jerusalem shrine.” Fox News reported that “3 Palestinians, 3 Israelis killed in violence over holy site.” Both were using The Associated Press as their source.

The NBC headline read: “Al Aqsa Mosque Clashes: 6 killed as Jerusalem Shrine Tensions Worsen,” and The New York Times framed the events as “Deadly Violence Erupts in Standoff Over Mosque in Jerusalem.”

No Footage of Stabbing of Jews

In Canada, HonestReporting Canada pointed out that CBC News, CTV News, The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, National Post, Montreal Gazette, Hamilton Spectator and Ottawa Citizen all equated three Israeli terror victims murdered in their home by a Palestinian terrorist with the deaths of three Palestinians who took part in violent riots. They, too, mostlly based their reports on AP.

CBC Radio carried a report by Mideast correspondent Derek Stoffel that saying that “three Israeli settlers also died in a separate incident in the West Bank.“ No mention was made in the CBC’s introduction or in Stoffel’s report that they were murdered by a Palestinian terrorist; they didn’t just happen to die.

HonestReporting Canada noted that it has yet to find a Canadian media outlet that has shown photos or broadcast video footage of the odious stabbing attack at the Solomon’s home or even images identifying the Israeli victims. Instead, Canadian news coverage was rife with photos and video clips of Palestinians rioting juxtaposed with Israeli police in riot gear.

By: United with Israel Staff

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