United with Israel

Muslim Blogger Boycotts Revlon for Appointing Gal Gadot ‘Global Ambassador’

Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot (Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

A Muslim BDS supporter is boycotting a Revlon award over Israeli actress Gal Gadot’s ties to the company. 

By: The Tower

Muslim beauty blogger Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, who has expressed support for the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign, rejected a Revlon award because the cosmetics company named Gal Gadot its new global brand ambassador, who she says supports the “oppression of women and girls” with her support for the Israel Defense Forces.

The Times of Israel reported on Thursday that Al-Khatahtbeh, the founder of MuslimGirl.com, said “As much as this means to me and I would love to be there to celebrate with you, I cannot accept this award from Revlon with Gal Gadot as the ambassador.”

Lebanon banned the showing of the film Wonder Woman in public theaters last year.

The American-born blogger, who is of Palestinian and Jordanian origin, attacked Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot for “Her vocal support of the Israel Defense Forces’ actions in Palestine,” which she claims “goes against MuslimGirl.com’s morals and values.”

Revlon announced last week that Gadot, an IDF veteran, would serve as its global brand ambassador and the lead of the Live Boldly campaign. Fashion magazine, GQ, also named her “Woman of the Year,” for 2017.

Referring to a Palestinian teenager who was filmed slapping and assaulting soldiers in the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh, she said “I can’t, in good conscience, accept this award from the brand and celebrate Gal’s ambassadorship after the IDF imprisoned a 16-year-old girl named Ahed Tamimi last month, an activist who is currently still incarcerated.”

Tamimi, who has listed terrorist activities such as “stabbings” and “martyrdom-seeking operations” among her aspirations, comes from a family of Palestinian anti-Israel activists who support terror.

The blogger is a vocal critic of Israel. In December, after US President Donald Trump decided to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocate the embassy, she posted an image of a man wearing a scarf with the colors of the Palestinian flag with Jerusalem in the background and added: “Jerusalem belongs to Palestine. End of argument.”

Earlier this month, she expressed solidarity with the BDS campaign. “I heard I got banned from Israel today,” she said, referring to a new law barring BDS activists from entering the country.

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