At the annual White House Chanukah party, Trump retold the story of Chanukah and the miracle of oil in the Holy Temple – “a sign of God’s presence in his dwelling place and a symbol of the faith and resilience of the Jewish people.”

President Donald Trump, addressing the annual White House Chanukah party, repeated his commitment to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish people. Demonstrating the ancient Jewish ties to Jerusalem and the Holy Temple, he told the story of Chanukah, including the miracle of the oil – “a sign of God’s presence in his dwelling place and a symbol of the faith and resilience of the Jewish people.”

“We are proud to stand with the People of Israel and to renew our enduring bond,” he said, in apparent reference to the tensions between Israel and the Obama administration.

This video includes Trump’s full address and those of Holocaust survivor Louise Lawrence-Israels and Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, the10th spiritual leader of America’s oldest Jewish congregation, founded by the earliest Jewish immigrants in the 17th century. Their inspiring speeches are worth hearing!

Watch and feel the joy!

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