United with Israel

Netanyahu to US Senator: Deal Won’t Stop Nuclear Iran

Netanyahu Perdue

Senator Perdue and PM Netanyahu. (Photo: Koby Gideon/GPO)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refuses to miss an opportunity to warn the world of the Iranian nuclear threat.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with US Senator David Perdue (R-GA) at his office in Jerusalem, warning him of looming regional threats, including Islamic terror’s advance and the Iranian nuclear wild card.

Welcoming Perdue to Jerusalem, Netanyhau told him, “Your visit here demonstrates your friendship and your commitment to the strong American-Israeli alliance.”

“Today the forces of militant Islam are on the march throughout the Middle East,” declared Netanyahu, “Islamic State just barbarically massacred 21 Egyptian civilians in Libya. Our hearts go out to the families and to the people of Egypt facing this horrible savagery.” He further vowed that Israel will continue to stand side-by-side with Egypt in the battle against terrorism, “which threatens us all.”

Turning to the global threat posed by Iran’s nuclear aspirations, Netanyahu said that while the Islamic State (ISIS) “butchers the innocent, the Islamic Republic of Iran is relentlessly pursuing nuclear weapons with the express purpose of destroying the State of Israel.”

“The P5+1’s latest proposal won’t stop them,” Netanyahu warned. “The Iranians of course know the details of that proposal and Israel does too. So when we say that the current proposal would lead to a bad deal, a dangerous deal, we know what we’re talking about, Senator.”

Netanyahu has stated in the past that he does not oppose any deal with Iran, and added now that Israel is open to hearing the positions and arguments of those who think differently, but also hoped “that they would be open to hear the arguments of Israel as well.”

Perdue thanked Netanyahu for his hospitality and said he shares Netanyahu’s concerns about the proposed nuclear agreement.

Netanyahu was apparently referring to his upcoming Congressional address on the issue of the Iranian nuclear threat scheduled for next month, a speech the White House has voiced vigorous opposition too.

The Obama administration has now moved on from simply voicing its displeasure over the address to acting on its opposition. Specifically, the US has confirmed that it is keeping Israel in the dark regarding the Iranian nuclear negotiations. Spokespersons for the White House and the State Department admitted on Wednesday that sensitive details of the negotiations were being concealed from Israel due to Netanyahu’s public objection to several of the concessions made by the P5+1.

By: United with Israel Staff

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