United with Israel

Opinion: After Terror Attacks, All European Countries Are Israel

Europe ISIS

A soldier patrols the Duomo gothic cathedral in Milan, Italy. (AP/Luca Bruno)

The world can fight terrorism and still succeed — as Israel has, but it means letting go of the kind of hatred and one-sided bias against Israel that is shown in the United Nations and many other organizations.

By: The Algemeiner

There is empathy right now towards the victims of the terrible terrorist attack in Nice, and there should be empathy. For the victims and their families, it is doubtful that any will really fully recover. How can they? Death is a part of the natural order of life; but murder isn’t. It is unnatural and evil.

Yet, not all innocent lives are deemed equal. While the world will rightly mourn with France, it will continue to remain oblivious and apathetic to the innocent lives lost in Israel to that same vile evil.

While 13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel slept in her bed, a terrorist entered her room and stabbed her in the face and neck, again and again and again. Then, just a day later, Miki Mark was also murdered, gunned down by Islamic terrorists in front of his family while driving in his car.

The murders of innocents in Israel are largely ignored, or justified with same remarks about “Palestinian grievance” or “occupation.” Yet, you will never see anything about “grievances” or “excuses” in the terror attacks in Europe. No, their message is clear. There is no excuse for terror. Right?

The problem is, and always has been, that when it comes to Jews, the empathy now being shown towards France, is non-existent. It remains largely absent, just as it was when Nazi Germany passed race laws against Jews in 1933, and the world largely shrugged it off.

Terrorism in Israel has never really been considered terrorism. No one really cared when Jews were being bombed or stabbed or being rammed by cars. It was justifiable. Acceptable. Even understandable. The Arabs were simply frustrated, and the natural inclination seems to be to commit murder against children and fathers driving their family on a day trip. The Jews were at fault. Always.

As Daniel Bernard, the former French Ambassador to the United Kingdom once said, “All the current troubles in the world are because of that shitty little country Israel.” And he added, “Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of those people?”

Yet, despite Mr Bernard’s antisemitic rant, “those people” and “that shitty little country” are probably the only hope Europe has to fight back against the wave of Islamic terrorism that is only in its infancy, not its conclusion. And it will get worse. Much worse.

Israel, having experienced decades of the terror the world now faces, has learned how to fight it. Through a mixture of population awareness, proactive intelligence, and technological surveillance, Israeli officials know what to look for, and are often able to prevent terrorist activities before they occur.

The world can fight terrorism and still succeed — as Israel has, but it means letting go of the kind of hatred and one-sided bias against Israel that is shown in the United Nations and many other organizations.

The days when Israel was the only country that was subject to Islamic terrorism have ended, and in a sense, the whole world has become Israel.

Daniel Bernard had it right: the world is in danger of World War III. But Israel, rather than being the cause of it, remains its best hope for preventing it.

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