United with Israel

Palestinians Celebrate Terror Attack in Tel Aviv, Threaten More

Palestinians celebrate attack

Palestinians celebrate a terror attack. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

In what has become a common, yet horrific, display of evil, Palestinians throughout Judea and Samaria celebrated Wednesday’s terror attack that left four innocent Israelis dead and many wounded. 

Palestinian civilians gathered in the streets of cities in the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Gaza to celebrate the terror attack carried out in Tel Aviv Wednesday night by two Palestinian terrorists, in which four Israelis were murdered and 17 were wounded, the deadliest attack in almost nine months of terror attacks.

Israel’s Ynet reported that Palestinians set off fireworks in Hebron to celebrate the attack, while people in Tul Karem gave out candies to passersby in the streets.

The Jerusalem Post reported that upon hearing the reports of the terror attack, dozens of Palestinians gathered at Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem, singing and cheering the terrorists. In the Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Bethlehem, dozens of Palestinians participated in a march praising the terror attack.

Palestinian social media was also flooded with expressions of praise for the deadly shooting.

The Hamas terror organization said the Tel Aviv shooting was the first “good omen” for Palestinians and the first “surprise” for the “enemy” during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Hamas spokesman Hussam Badran applauded the terrorists and declared the attack a Palestinian victory.

He said the attack was intended to send a message to the Israeli leadership, and in particular, its new defense minister Avigdor Liberman, that despite his past threats he will “not succeed in breaking our fortitude.”

The Fatah movement, which is headed by PA head Mahmoud Abbas, said in a statement that the terror attack was an “individual and natural response” to Israel’s security actions and its presence in Judea and Samaria.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said that the shooting represented a “paradigm shift” in the intifada, which it called a “natural response” to the high number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces.

The PFLP said that the site of the attack, having taken place close to the Israeli Ministry of Defense, sent a strong message of challenge to the newly-appointed minister of defense Liberman, and stood as a confirmation that armed resistance was the best way to reclaim Palestinians’ rights.

Leaders from around the world condemned the attacks, while United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon stated he was “shocked” by Hamas’ praise and support for the attack.

Hamas later officially claimed responsibility for the attack.

By: United with Israel Staff

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