United with Israel

Palestinians Launch New Wave of Arson Terror

Palestinians prepare an incendiary airborne device

Palestinians prepare an incendiary airborne device. (Ail Ahmed/Flash90)

Terrorists detonated explosives in the Gaza area on Sunday and Monday in attacks reminiscent of the wave of airborne arson terror unleashed in 2018.


At least five explosive charges tied to balloons launched from the Gaza Strip by terrorists detonated at various locations in areas surrounding Gaza in the past day.

No one was injured in the attacks and no damage was caused by the explosions.

These attacks have returned to haunt Israel’s residents in the south after several months in which such attacks from Gaza ceased.

The explosive devices are “upgraded” and are equipped with elements to increase casualties among the civilian population.

The police have reissued directives on how to act when finding balloons tied to an explosive charge.

The IDF estimates that the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization is responsible for the rocket fire and the renewed explosive balloons attacks.

The terrorists have vowed to continue with airborne attacks.

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