Most people, according to ordinary Jews and Arabs in Gush Etzion, just want to live in peace. Several blame the Palestinian leadership for incitement to terror, which destroys families on both sides.

"We see ourselves not as individuals, but on a mission connecting young people to their Jewish roots," says Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum, who educates the public about the significance of the Jewish city of Hebron.

Judea is an area referred to as the West Bank, with the reference point being Jordan in an attempt to diminish the Jewish historical and biblical claim.

Israelis in Jerusalem, Gush Etzion, the Golan Heights and other mountainous areas brace themselves for a storm that threatens to down trees, close roads and cut power.

Security forces are on high alert in the wake of the most recent Arab attack on Israeli citizens. Their vigilance paid off on Monday when their quick response foiled a potential tragedy.

In the wake of two more vehicular terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, the PA national security force incites violence against Jews using a new social media campaign.  Cartoons shared across social media sites encourage an uprising using whatever means necessary.

The Palestinian Authority not only condones violence, but encourages it. Wednesday’s terror attack in downtown Jerusalem left one dead and several others critically wounded when an east Jerusalem Arab ran his car into a crowded train stop. Three Israeli soldiers were seriously injured in a similar fashion in a second attack Wednesday night in Gush Etzion. Arab riots continued in east Jerusalem regardless of a strong security presence.

It is apparent that the Palestinians are encouraging the use of motor vehicles as death machines.

The fear and anxiety surrounding these attacks is reminiscent of the Second Intifada (September 2000- August 2005), when suicide bombings were rampant across Israel. Citizens remain cautious, but most will strive to maintain their daily routines regardless of the threat of danger. Terror has, unfortunately, become commonplace, and most civilians in the country have experienced at least one war in their lifetime.

Cement blocks have been erected near train stops to prevent cars from swerving into crowds, but the fear of future attacks remains. Economy Minister and Jewish Home chairman Naftali Bennett wrote on his Facebook page, “The concrete barriers at the Light Rail are a reward to terrorism. The solution to terrorism is not to put Jews behind fences and barriers, but to deter the murderers.”

The Temple Mount is at the top of a contentious debate. Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas called for violence to protect Al-Aqsa mosque and Muslim holy sites.

“They have no right to defile it.  We must prevent them,” Abbas declared.

Earlier this week, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, the PA Daily published a cartoon of a young boy with his father that included the caption “Purification before prayer is performed with stones,” as reported by Palestinian Media Watch.



Another antisemitic libel: An Israeli soldier allegedly preparing to rape a jailed Arab woman wearing the Temple Mount as her head covering.



One popular image shows the Arabic word daes, or “run over”, alluding to the organization Daesh, an acronym for the Islamic State, says Ynet.


A photo of a car accelerator disguised as a rifle was produced by the Shehab News Agency.



Author: Katie Harris,
Writer for United with Israel

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