'We have not occupied a foreign land; we have not ruled a foreign land; we have liberated the land of our forefathers.' That statement is still relevant.
There's an important lesson to be learned in this week's Torah portion: Take the time to look at the 'big picture' and think things through before making a major decision.
There are so many lies and distortions going around about the 'settlements' and the history of the Land of Israel, but these young visitors know the truth!
Ilhan Omar claims that Muslims are called anti-Semites only because they are Muslim. In other words, anyone who calls out Muslim anti-Semitism is Islamophobic.
Philistia, an ancient geographical area that contained modern-day Gaza, was a trouble spot for the inhabitants of the Land of Israel already in ancient times.
Israel's UN Ambassador Danny Danon addressed the Security Council on the Jewish People's rights to the Land of Israel, reading from the bible to make his case.
Israel has become synonymous with excellent, award-winning wines. In this video, you have the chance to explore some of the Jewish state's finest wineries and learn what makes their products so great.
There are many good reasons for Jews to live in the Land of Israel, which is of major importance according to the Torah and a basic principle of Zionism.