Prime Minister Naftali Bennett emphasized that the arrested man and woman are 'innocent civilians who have been mistakenly caught up in a complex situation.'
Nadav Segal from the Arab Desk of the Zionist watchdog Im Tirtzu said that the meeting indicated Erdoğan's goal is to increase his involvement in Jerusalem.
The Boston Celtics' Enes Kanter, who has faced death threats from Turkey's anti-Semitic dictator Recep Erdoğan, denounced violent attacks on the Jewish community in the U.S.
Hamas also praised Erdogan for his 'support for the Palestinian cause and the rights of the Palestinian people' and expressed opposition to 'the Zionist and US presence in the region.'
According to an Israeli intelligence expert, while the Turkish assault in Syria is still in its early stages, there’s already a lot for Israel to worry about.
'Israel will make every effort to provide humanitarian assistance to the brave Kurdish people,' Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Thursday.
The US Department of the Treasury in early September announced that it had sanctioned a list of terror leaders from several organizations, including from Hamas and Iran’s Quds Force, many of whom are lurking in nearby Muslim countries. By Baruch Yedid, TPS The Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) stated it utilized newly... Read more »
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan invoked a Muslim "hadith" commonly used by Hamas and other terrorist supporters to sanction the killing of Jews, during a party convention last Sunday.
Israel responded sharply to criticism leveled against it by Turkish President Erdogan, calling it " baseless slander" against "the only true democracy in the region."
Suddenly, it was not important that the PLO, Turkey, and numerous other countries were officially and amicably participating in a Jewish-Israeli celebration of historic national strength.
Of the 141,200 citizens of Ethiopian origin in Israel graduating from high school, 89% took the matriculation tests compared with the national average of 94%; 20 women have enrolled in the IDF Paratroop Brigade’s instructors course; Eitan Na’eh arrived in Ankara to take up the position of Israel’s new ambassador, and much more. By: Michael... Read more »
Israel's President Reuven Rivlin conveyed Israel’s 'sincere condolences,' its 'sympathy to the bereaved families' and its 'wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded' to the people of Turkey.
Israel estimates that at least 50 Israeli Arabs have joined ISIS in Syria and Iraq over the past two years. At least ten of them have been arrested upon their return to the country and a few others have been killed in action.
The Lady Leyla, a Turkish ship loaded with over 10,000 tons of supplies including food and toys, left Turkey for Gaza on Friday. The cargo will be cleared by Israeli authorities, and then will be transferred to Gaza through Israel by land.
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on Wednesday sent a letter of condolence to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, following the terror attack that struck the Ataturk Airport in Istanbul late Tuesday night, killing at least 41 people and injuring scores.
Ibrahim Hassan Yussef Agrabia, 23, a resident of Um Al-Fahem, was arrested at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport after being deported from Turkey for attempting to join ISIS.