In honor of Yom Yerushalayim, or Jerusalem Day, a talented musical duo released a video expressing their profound love for the magical city.

“Fifty years ago we returned to the heart of our capital and our country, and 50 years ago we did not conquer it, rather we liberated it,” Netanyahu said at the ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem's unification.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat was visibly moved when presented with a historic book, compiled by United with Israel, of over half a million signatures of members from around the world declaring support for a united Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish state.

Jerusalem is often called 'the Eternal City' but although it has existed for over 3,000 years, it is continually evolving.

Most Israelis agree on two things: All embassies should be in the capital, Jerusalem, and Jerusalem should remain undivided under Israeli sovereignty.

Israel is celebrating Yom Yerushalayim, the anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem, which was captured during the miraculous Six Day War in 1967.

Florence Bar Ilan's collection of correspondence with her American relatives from the 1930s through the 1960s, has been published by family members ahead of Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day).

Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish nation since King David declared it as such in 1000 BCE. No other nation ever designated the Holy City as its own.