United with Israel

WATCH: A Truly Meaningful Haircut

Zichron Menachem


Zichron Menachem, with the help of girls and women across the country, provides emotional support for young cancer patients and their families in a unique way.

It’s often a shocking experience for children and young adults to lose their hair while undergoing chemotherapy or other medical treatment, and donations of beautiful, healthy hair used for wigs can make a huge difference to these patients.

In Israel, many women and girls make a point of letting their hair grow long so they could donate it to a cancer patient. There are 400 hair salons in the country that cooperate with Zichron Menachem, which works with patients.

Zichron Menachem, Hebrew for ‘Memory of Menachem,’ was founded in 1990 by Chaim and Miri Ehrental after their oldest child, Menachem, died of leukemia at the age of 15.

Watch this video to understand the satisfaction these volunteers feel when they donate, as they say, a part of themselves and the difference it makes to the recipients

a truly meaningful haircut


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