United with Israel

WATCH: ‘America Stands with Israel,’ US VP Declares; Says Trump Will Move Embassy to Jerusalem

Mike Pence

US VP Mike Pence celebrates 70th anniversary of UN partition plan in New York. (Youtube/Screenshot)

On the 70th anniversary of the UN vote calling for the creation of the Jewish state, Pence said the US president is “considering how and when” to move the embassy to the Israeli capital.

“As we speak, President Trump is actively considering when and how to move the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,” US Vice-President Mike Pence stated in New York at the 70th anniversary celebration of the UN vote calling for the creation of Jewish state.

“While Israel was built by human hands, it’s impossible not to see the hand of Heaven,” he said, quoting biblical sources.

Quoting US Ambassador Nikki Haley, he declared: “The days of Israel-bashing at the UN are over.”

Watch this inspiring speech delivered by Pence, reassuring the crowd of the Trump administration’s deep commitment to the security of the State of Israel.


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