United with Israel

WATCH: Trudeau Ignores Question on Canadian Funds Supporting Hamas Terror Against Israel

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau side-stepped a question regarding funding of UN Agency that supported Hamas rockets attacks against Israel.

Trudeau has set out on a campaign to liberalize Canada’s approach to foreign policy, making bedfellows with Islamist radicals.

UNRWA (UN Relief and Works Agency) has worked tirelessly to perpetuate the Palestinian refugee crisis aiding and abetting Islamic terrorism against Israel.

Trudeau’s decision to help fund its activities places Israeli citizens in more danger.

Don’t miss this short video of a Canadian MP blasting Trudeau for funding of terror – only to fall on deaf ears.

Sign the Petition to Stop Funding the Palestinian Authority

Petition to the United States and European Union

We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. The brutal murder of Israelis committed by Palestinian terrorists throughout Israel is the latest result of ongoing PA incitement against Israeli citizens. Funding the PA means funding terror.

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