United with Israel

WATCH: Hamas Uses Exorcism on Terrified Palestinian Children

Hamas child abuse

Three boys cry as they undergo an exorcism ritual in Gaza City, performed by Hamas preachers. (Gatestone)

You don’t need to understand Arabic to see what’s going on in this video, showing terrified children forced to undergo an exorcism ritual under Hamas rule.

Hamas’s cynical use of children in the war against Israel has reached a new level with a cruel exorcism ritual.

This video, posted in The Gatestone Institute, is in Arabic, but you don’t need to understand the language to see the expressions of the frightened children and to hear the strange chanting by exorcising preachers of the Hamas Islamic Trust in Gaza.

As translated by Palestinian journalist Khaled Abu Toameh, one preacher says they had come “to expel the devil from the hearts and minds.” The video captures the march of Palestinian society towards endorsing the ideology of radical Islamic groups such as ISIS, he writes.

What goes on here is indescribable. You absolutely have to see it to believe it.


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